
Daily photo blog, reviews, photography tips, gear buying guides, and more.

Established in June of 2010, Edison is a blog focusing on the world of photography. We partner with some of the best vendors in the photography space to provide you with informative gear, tools, and other products you might need to succeed. If you like our content, don’t forget to subscribe at the bottom of the page.

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How Skateboarding improves mental health and well-being?

Skateboarding is the best sport. It’s challenging, creative and fun. But did you know it also has benefits for mental health? Studies have found that getting on your old school skateboards can help you focus more effectively and improve your mental well-being in general – particularly if you’re an older skater! Failure, failure, failure… success! Old school…

Ultimate Guide For Beginners For Using Old School Skateboards

Do you have a brand-new skateboard? I suppose that would make your pals envious, wouldn’t it? To get the high-level performance from your old school skateboards, you must take care of it despite how much joy and style these skateboard rides will bring you. If you get a high-quality truck skateboard from a dependable supplier, you…

4 Extremely Surprising Snowboarding Facts

Snowboarding is a fun sport, but it’s also played by people all over the world. You may not realise that there are actually many different types of nitro snowboards, each with its own specific uses.  And did you know that snowboarding has existed for hundreds of years? Here are seven surprising facts about snowboarding: It took…

Don’t Let the Cold Keep You Down: Snow Gloves to Help You Enjoy Winter!

A winter without snow is like a Christmas without Santa Claus. It’s just not the same. There’s something about snow that makes winter so much more enjoyable, from sledding to snowboarding to just building snowmen (and women!).  If you’re like most people, you don’t want to let the cold weather keep you indoors when you…


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